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Create Bulk Documents#

Create Bulk Documents API is used to create Documents using the given request payload.



- active 'iridessa-version': v1
- method: POST

URL Parameters#

Name Description Type
iridessa-version version of the API
for example, v1
org-id theodore organisation id string


All headers are mentioned in common headers


Please refer the following request body for reference-

Sample request body

    "Version": "1.1",
    "TranDtls": {
      "TaxSch": "GST",
      "SupTyp": "B2B",
      "RegRev": "Y",
      "EcmGstin": null,
      "IgstOnIntra": "N"
    "DocDtls": {
      "Typ": "INV",
      "No": "DOC/001",
      "Dt": "18/08/2020"
    "SellerDtls": {
      "Gstin": "37ARZPT4384Q1MT",
      "LglNm": "NIC company pvt ltd",
      "TrdNm": "NIC Industries",
      "Addr1": "5th block, kuvempu layout",
      "Addr2": "kuvempu layout",
      "Loc": "GANDHINAGAR",
      "Pin": 518001,
      "Stcd": "37",
      "Ph": "9000000000",
      "Em": ""
    "BuyerDtls": {
      "Gstin": "29AWGPV7107B1Z1",
      "LglNm": "XYZ company pvt ltd",
      "TrdNm": "XYZ Industries",
      "Pos": "12",
      "Addr1": "7th block, kuvempu layout",
      "Addr2": "kuvempu layout",
      "Loc": "GANDHINAGAR",
      "Pin": 562160,
      "Stcd": "29",
      "Ph": "91111111111",
      "Em": ""
    "DispDtls": {
      "Nm": "ABC company pvt ltd",
      "Addr1": "7th block, kuvempu layout",
      "Addr2": "kuvempu layout",
      "Loc": "Banagalore",
      "Pin": 562160,
      "Stcd": "29"
    "ShipDtls": {
      "Gstin": "29AWGPV7107B1Z1",
      "LglNm": "CBE company pvt ltd",
      "TrdNm": "kuvempu layout",
      "Addr1": "7th block, kuvempu layout",
      "Addr2": "kuvempu layout",
      "Loc": "Banagalore",
      "Pin": 562160,
      "Stcd": "29"
    "ItemList": [{
      "SlNo": "1",
      "PrdDesc": "Rice",
      "IsServc": "N",
      "HsnCd": "1001",
      "Barcde": "123456",
      "Qty": 100.345,
      "FreeQty": 10,
      "Unit": "BAG",
      "UnitPrice": 99.545,
      "TotAmt": 9988.84,
      "Discount": 10,
      "PreTaxVal": 1,
      "AssAmt": 9978.84,
      "GstRt": 12.0,
      "IgstAmt": 1197.46,
      "CgstAmt": 0,
      "SgstAmt": 0,
      "CesRt": 5,
      "CesAmt": 498.94,
      "CesNonAdvlAmt": 10,
      "StateCesRt": 12,
      "StateCesAmt": 1197.46,
      "StateCesNonAdvlAmt": 5,
      "OthChrg": 10,
      "TotItemVal": 12897.7,
      "OrdLineRef": "3256",
      "OrgCntry": "AG",
      "PrdSlNo": "12345",
      "BchDtls": {
        "Nm": "123456",
        "ExpDt": "01/08/2020",
        "WrDt": "01/09/2020"
      "AttribDtls": [{
        "Nm": "Rice",
        "Val": "10000"
    "ValDtls": {
      "AssVal": 9978.84,
      "CgstVal": 0,
      "SgstVal": 0,
      "IgstVal": 1197.46,
      "CesVal": 508.94,
      "StCesVal": 1202.46,
      "Discount": 10,
      "OthChrg": 20,
      "RndOffAmt": 0.3,
      "TotInvVal": 12908,
      "TotInvValFc": 12897.7
    "PayDtls": {
      "Nm": "ABCDE",
      "AccDet": "5697389713210",
      "Mode": "Cash",
      "FinInsBr": "SBIN11000",
      "PayTerm": "100",
      "PayInstr": "Gift",
      "CrTrn": "test",
      "DirDr": "test",
      "CrDay": 100,
      "PaidAmt": 10000,
      "PaymtDue": 5000
    "RefDtls": {
      "InvRm": "TEST",
      "DocPerdDtls": {
        "InvStDt": "01/08/2020",
        "InvEndDt": "01/09/2020"
      "PrecDocDtls": [{
        "InvNo": "DOC/002",
        "InvDt": "01/08/2020",
        "OthRefNo": "123456"
      "ContrDtls": [{
        "RecAdvRefr": "Doc/003",
        "RecAdvDt": "01/08/2020",
        "TendRefr": "Abc001",
        "ContrRefr": "Co123",
        "ExtRefr": "Yo456",
        "ProjRefr": "Doc-456",
        "PORefr": "Doc-789",
        "PORefDt": "01/08/2020"
    "AddlDocDtls": [{
      "Url": "",
      "Docs": "Test Doc",
      "Info": "Document Test"
    "ExpDtls": {
      "ShipBNo": "A-248",
      "ShipBDt": "01/08/2020",
      "Port": "INABG1",
      "RefClm": "N",
      "ForCur": "AED",
      "CntCode": "AE",
      "ExpDuty": null
    "EwbDtls": {
      "TransId": "12AWGPV7107B1Z1",
      "TransName": "XYZ EXPORTS",
      "Distance": 100,
      "TransDocNo": "DOC01",
      "TransDocDt": "18/08/2020",
      "VehNo": "ka123456",
      "VehType": "R",
      "TransMode": "1"


Successful response will have the response in “data” attribute as a json.

Sample response body

  "status": "1",
  "data": [
      "itemStatus": "1",
      "itemData": {
        "id": "492f5231-1262-4811-aecb-a887ed0bf615",
        "docNumber": "C5D7DC7AB5CD44B0",
        "docType": "100",
        "docDate": "26/04/2023",
        "sellerGstin": "27AAAPI3182M002",
        "buyerGstin": "27ACBPN2353E1ZX",
        "irdDocType": "PRE",
        "amount": 100,
        "acceptanceComments": null,
        "denialComments": null,
        "disputeComments": null,
        "status": "100",
        "createdByUserId": "3e193e19-0d70-4938-9698-287f8bd947fb",
        "createdOn": 1682489067196,
        "lastUpdatedByUserId": null,
        "lastUpdated": null,
        "annotations": []
      "itemErrors": null,
      "itemInfo": null,
      "itemKey": "27AAAPI3182M002"
  "error": null,
  "info": null


status field in document is the state of the Document generated. Different Document states are as bellow -

  • 100 -> DRAFT
  • 200 -> CREATED
  • 210 -> ACCEPTED
  • 220 -> DENIED
  • 230 -> DISPUTED
  • 240 -> CANCELLED
  • 250 -> FROZEN
  • 260 -> DELETE

Last update: April 26, 2023